The Giraffe Platform is one hundred percent Google Cloud Platform (GCP) based and our security program is reliant on their recommended best practices and certifications. We make regular changes to our architecture and dependencies to comply with best practices.

We make use of their multi-zone redundancy, backups, encryption at rest and in transit, authentication management and logging, and our core database is backed up daily.

We have logging of user access to enable detection of cybersecurity events, and all incidents are documented and shared with our development team and then relevant customers as appropriate. We regularly make use of Google Cloud’s automated Threat Detection and Security Scanner features and fully comply with recommendations.

Data is secure at all times, and is encrypted both at rest and in transit as per the GCP encryption processes and standards, which includes the following:

At Rest:

In Transit:

Currently, all our security policy is first and foremost based on Google Cloud best practices but we are currently working towards ISO-27001 certification.
