Transform your designs.

Automate and create Smart Geometry with algorithms.

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Flow Builder

Smart Geometry

All of the Included Flow Templates

Smart Geometry + Flow Builder Video Use Case

What is a Transform?

A Transform is an algorithm designed to be used in the Flow builder. It is a set of instructions used to edit a source geometry. Each transform has settings and parameters that can be customised. Transforms can be used alone or together as part of a flow.

Giraffe has a variety of Transforms included, that when combined, can create some amazing outputs! Check out some of the premade flows in All of the Included Flow Templates.

Add a Transform

Add a Transform to any geometry by clicking “Open Flow Builder” in the properties palette.

Then, select a transform from the list.


Transforms have two basic types: polygon-based and line-based. Some Transforms can apply to both.



Line Based


Edit a Transform

Edit the settings of a transform in either the properties palette or the flow builder. The geometry in your project will instantly adjust based on the parameters you enter.

In Properties

Update your criteria in the Parameters palette.

Select the child you would like to edit


Your selected flow may have multiple Transforms. Select the one of the list that you want to adjust.


Then, update its parameter values to your specifications.


In Flow Builder

With the map geometry selected, click “Open Flow Builder” in the properties palette


The Flow Builder appears

flow builder ui.png


Click a Blue node (#2 in the diagram) to edit that transform’s settings.


All Transforms

Click an item from the gallery to learn more about its settings and how to use it.

Untitled Database