Use flows to automate reusing multiple Groups.


How to

Before starting a flow:

Create a group

Name the group something Unique

Create a flow

Select a geometry (not the group)

Click “Open flow builder”

Add a transform with a point-based transform (such as Array, Along Point, or Centroid).

Click Open Flow Builder to add more to the flow

Add the Group Instance Transform

Adjust the group instance settings

Click Save

<aside> 👉 Learn more about creating multi-step flows in Flow Builder



Group Instance Settings

Group id: Input the group name

Scale: Scale the entire group up or down. 1 = original scale

Rotation: rotate the entire group. Input degrees of rotation. 0 is original rotation

Mirror: Flip the entire group on the n/s axis

Group Instance Outputs

The Instanced Group transform outputs copies of the group, placed on the points defined in the flow. The origin of the group is placed at each point.

<aside> 👉 Typical Giraffe stacking rules still apply



The Group Instance transform is Unique because changes made to the original group will apply to all instances.

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