Import ESRi or WMS layers via API url for data that stays up to date at all times.

Many governments and companies host their data on open data servers. Take advantage of this free data by linking that layer into your Giraffe project.

Access the Server Connection Applet

There are 2 ways to open the layer upload applet:

Data layer → Create Your own → select layer type



Main menu (☰) → Layers → select layer type


<aside> 💡 You can also drag any file into your giraffe window to automatically open the correct applet for that filetype.


Connect to the Service

Connect to the API to get up-to-date information at all times. The Esri URLs that work for this must have mapserver, featureserver, or sceneserver at the and of the link. The WMS URs must contain GetCapabilities.

To import the API click LayersCreate Layer From Esri or Create Layer From WMS.

  1. Connect to the Server
    1. Paste the URL of the service into the URL box
    2. then click “Fetch Layers”
    3. then click Next
  2. Select Layer
    1. A visual preview of any of the layers contained within that URL are displayed.
    2. Select one to import.
    3. then click next
  3. Layer details
    1. Name the layer
    2. add details.
  4. Click “save layer” to add the layer to your project.


<aside> 💡 If your layer is private, follow the steps in Adding Private Esri Layers to Giraffe to include the access token.


Find a Layer

A note on URLs:

The tricky part is finding the right API url.

Web search is your best friend. Try searching query + gis in Google. (IE “chicago parcels GIS”)

For Esri you're looking for urls that contain MapServer or FeatureServer and typically look like this NSW Cadastre one.

WMS is a common format for European geospatial data, as it adheres to INSPIRE.

For WMS, the urls must contain “GetCapabilities” and usually look like this:
