Marker Settings
Once the marker is added to the map, it's properties can be edited in the left bar.
The color, border, size, and shape of the marker can be edited as desired. Units for markers are in pixels.
- Kind: Outlined, Text, or Icon
- Shape: Rectangle or Round
- Text: You can add plain text to a marker by typing into the text box.
- Properties selector
- Size: marker overall size
- Background Color: Select color. Make transparent by clicking the crossed circle
- Text Color: Select color. Make transparent by clicking the crossed circle
- Border: No border or border. Adjust width of border
- Stick: Stick or No stick. Adjust stick height.
- Anchor: Anchor bottom or middle
- Position: The location along a line
- On Top: display in front of other geometry regardless of base position
- World Space: Toggle on to scale with zoom
- Subtitle: Add a subtitle. Useful for adding text to Icon markers!
![markers 2.png](