Click the center of a line to add a node.

Drag a node to create an irregular shape.

Click a node to delete it.

Editing existing elements

Select an element by left-clicking.

A selected, active element is a red polygon.

Left-click on nodes to delete them.

When dragging, type a number to drag an exact distance.

Hold S to snap to features on the map.

Hold shift to snap to angles

Right-click on map features to create editable features from them.

<aside> 💡 Hint: Hit T on your keyboard to toggle between 2D and 3D views.


draw tools.png

A. Drag corner

B. Add corner (node)

C. Extrude edge

Extrude to maintain right angles

D. Scale (selection)

stratch 3d.gif

E. Rotate (selection)

rotate 3d.gif