okay so we're just looking here at my portfolio I've gone to Home by clicking my workspace logo on the top left and in home view you can see all these fields down here um these are the project names but then there are all these fields that I can edit my project on for instance I can say apply filter where everything is staged or sent and that's just going to show us the scent project now the important thing to know here is that each one of these fields is customizable and configurable by me as an end user or a workspace admin so let's go do that now to edit your workspace properties which is what these fields are called we go to ad settings and you can see here all the workspace properties I want to add a new workspace property and I want it to be a select you can not I can also do text Fields toggles selects and a text area for notes I'm going to choose select the field name we're going to call willingness to sell and we'll give it a description of this

field marks the owner's willingness to consider a deal first option I'm going to add is not

interested that's going to be my very first option on the dropdown when I go to save some information on this field next one would be open to a deal

next one would be talking to

competitor maybe last one is currently negotiating now it's important to get these right to align with your company process you may already have a spreadsheet that has these um and the reason we choose the select field as opposed to text area is so that the answers can be uniform which will help us filter on them so let's save this now we have a few other options here we can pick a default value so when the field is created or the project is created it opens up one of these as a default value we can mandate that it's required so when we create a new project the field is required for us to answer that question two is can end users edit it and obviously yes in this case we want them to is it visible to guests and uh if you are using one of our Enterprise accounts there is a role called a guest um you can uh turn that on and off if it's visible to guess and hide label those are all sort of the options of what we have on here so I'm just going to hit save and now we have this new field

called willingness to sell so let's go back to our portfolio and we'll click the logo again we'll go home and you'll see now right down the end I've got this new field called willingness to sell we've got lots of different fields on our workspace properties actually probably too many where is willingness to sell We'll add a filter called

willingness we'll actually refresh to let that change take place

now we'll have a new field called willingness to sell there it is you can see I've done this before on a previous example so willingness to sell there are my options but you'll notice that they're empty for all of those um projects because we just added that field and we didn't add a default value so now when we create a new project I'll hit new project I'll select the template and um when we go to save this

project now I have this new field called willingness to sell and when I when I hit save you can see those are the options that I've got in front of me