Organise your designs with Drawing layers.

What is a Drawing Layer?

Giraffe organizes map content using Layers. The map can display a combination of geospatial datasets and geometries you create in Giraffe. The geometries you create in your project using the Drawing tools all live on Drawing Layers.

Drawing layers function in many of the same ways geospatial layers do. You can:

Drawing layers have some additional functions:

Add a New Drawing Layer

Create a new Drawing layer using the New Drawing Layer button in the Layer palette


Give the layer a name



Note, you cannot have 2 drawing layers with the same name within a project.


The Default Drawing Layer

The default drawing layer is the first layer in any Giraffe project. It cannot be deleted or renamed, but otherwise behaves the same as any other drawing layer. For most simple projects, it is the only drawing layer used. It is also activated by default on project start.