Measure Components allow you to reference other Measures. This enables complex calculations across categories and property types. The formula will call the calculated total value of the measure.
Select the measure type, then open the selector.
The list of options in the selector will be all of the other measures saved in your project’s analytics
Type in the box to search for a measure.
The same calculation can often be created multiple ways. For instance, units per acre:
Calling ‣ and ‣
Calling measure Components
<aside> 👉 Measures created with Measure Components cannot be subcategorized by usage, since feature values are not called directly.
The property-based calc returns the correct value per Usages while the measure based calc returns Null
<aside> 👉 Measure created with measure components can be split by layer IF the measures called in the formula call values on different layers
Both the property-based calc and measure-based calc return the same results