The meat of Analytics is the Measure: a formula that combines numerical data from Components additional formulaic inputs from the Formula Function List to produce calculations that match your firm’s requirements.
Results from calculations performed in Measures could be hard costs, net rents, IRR, NOI, impact - the sky is the limit!
Measure anything and everything! Organise how it makes sense for your project or your firm. Some measure suggestions could be:
Urban Form
Built Form
Reporting Metrics
Open the measure builder from the analytics window or configurator.
The measure builder opens when you click “new measure”
a. Category - Select from Categories in your project. This is where the measure will display in Tabs
b. Name - The display name of the measure
c. Unit - Select from Units in your project, or create a new one. The units display in Tabs
d. Precision - the number of decimal places to display / round to
e. Details - Give your measure a description. This helps other project editors understand what the measure is for
f. Tags - add tags to group measures
g. Filter: Filter by any property values within the project to only include specific features in the measure
h. Appearance
i. Components - The components are the inputs for your Formulas
j. Formulas combine Components and functions (from the Formula Function List) to create calculations
k. operation - see How do Analytics Measures Calculate?
l. per feature - inspect how the formula operates on each feature
m. result - the total or the result for the first drawing layer (if split by layer)
n. unused components - any unused components will throw an error. remove them from the measure if unnecessary
p. errors - If the result is an error or you cannot save, review errors here
q. quantity and rate - setQuantity/Rate here for export
r. save changes - adds the measure to the category and closes the builder
s. Duplicate or delete