Let your garden grow!
Add greenspace and trees to your master plans to represent the full scope of your design.
The landscape tool (accessed via the Tree icon in the draw palette) includes trees, plantings, building pads, and plazas.
Select the Tree tool.
Click anywhere you would like to place a tree.
To select the tree, click at the base of its trunk.
You can change the tree species from the dropdown in the properties palette.
The Simple tree allows you to control the exact dimensions, but it is visually less detailed
Control assumptions about your trees using Usages.
Usages can be edited and created from the Usage Editor.
To edit assumptions click on the Edit Usages button on the left hand side.
The Usages Editor flies out from the left palette.
To change which Usage you're working on, click on the dropdown.
Edit the existing properties to match your company’s or project’s assumptions and graphics preferences.
Add more Properties by clicking “Add Property”
Select the Tree usage from the dropdown
Update details about the tree as needed
If you need different assumptions for different types of trees, clone the usage to create another.
You can also override the tree geometry with a GLTF or GLB file of your choice.
Click Add New property
Search “GLTF”
Upload any GLTF file (under 10mb)
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