Components allow you to define inputs for Formulas in Measures. Components call values from the model, other measures, and category subtotals within analytics.
Each component has controls and settings:
There are different types of components, which pull different types of information from your project.
Each Property Components calls values from multiple usages. You can inspect and edit these assumptions by opening the editor.
Click the pencil in the component.
Then, edit the values in the displayed usages.
If a usage is shown in this list, it is referenced in the component. To de-refence a unit, filter in the “Apply to features” dropdown in the measure Builder
Measures can have up to 6 components. More components may cause calculation errors. To create complex formulas, try using a Measure Component or Subtotal Components instead.
When a component is deleted, the Letter assigned will adjust to always remain alphabetical without any letter skips. Sometimes, deleting a component from a measure requires re-writing the formula to call the correct letter.
Measure Components should only be combined with other measure components in the same Formulas. Do not combine property components and measure components.