Use a project you’ve already created to start a new one

Quick Links

Create projects (with boundaries)

Save a Project

Delete a Project

How to compare scenarios

Cloning Includes:

Cloning your project copies all of the following to the map:

Cloning a project does not copy:

Clone project

The best practice to Create and Manage Options is to Drawing Layers. However, Sometimes it is necessary to copy a project.

The Export → Clone project command will create a copy of all elements of the project, including geometry, Usages , Layers, and Analytics.

You will then need to re-define the project boundary and save it.

Review Create projects (with boundaries) for more information.

Export Menu

Access the export menu via the main menu (☰) → Export

<aside> 💡 Note: To export data, you must be working in a saved project. See Create projects (with boundaries) for more info.



<aside> 👉 Learn more about other export options in Exporting Data


More About Exporting Data

Speckle - Interoperability with Almost Anything!

Exporting Data

Export Visuals

Clone a project

Report Builder

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